Monday, April 25, 2011

~More Easter Fun~

Here are some photo's from our time at my Mom's on Easter.

 * The boys opening a few gifts from Grammy and Pop Pop

And an early birthday gift to Isaac from us.....a Windmill!! (If you are not aware Isaac loves windmills and fans and though this is technically a "pinwheel" he calls it his windmill:-) ). 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

~ Easter Fun~

Some photo's of our Easter morning. We read about Christ's resurrection and spend time praying and thanking God and Jesus for his sacrifice, then we have a few fun gifts and an Easter Egg hunt. Always makes for a nice Easter morning. :-)

 *Bubble Time!

Video of the boys hunting for Eggs.

*And lastly , a photo of Isaac on his new Thomas train power wheels that goes when he pushes a button. An early birthday gift from Grammy and Pop Pop :-)

*Happy Easter Everyone!

Monday, April 18, 2011

~ Logan's Seed Experiment ~

Logan recently had a Science experiment to do on growing Seeds. He had to water them and watch them every day and record his results. Well, our seeds did  not want to listen. They were pretty boring until about day 5 when the Morning Glory's started to germinate. From then on he watched closely but only the Morning Glory's were the one's to show their faces, or roots actually. :) By the final day, the Sunflowers were starting to break open a little but not enough to record any results. He still enjoyed it and said it was pretty neat seeing the roots start to come out of the Morning Glory's. Daddy took them all and planted them last night. Logan observed Pea seeds, Cucumber Seeds , Sunflower Seeds, and Morning Glory's.

*And the winners...Morning Glory's!

 *The Morning Glory that grew the fastest and longest root by our final day.

*Logan  with his Morning Glory winner :-)

~Game Night~

Time for Logan's favorite game, Chess, against Daddy :-)

 *This is a serious game!

*Planning his next attack move!

*Isaac playing cars (vrooms vrooms) and Logan planning his defeat!

I love this family!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

~ This Kid Loves His Veggietales!~

Isaac loves Veggietales so much ,he sings the song each time he watches with everything in him! So cute! Enjoy the video :-)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

~ School Days~

Logan's first year at PALCS and his 3rd grade year are coming to a close soon! We only have a little over one month left! I thought I would capture and share some moments of Logan during his school day...

* Sneaking up behind Logan as he focuses on a lesson :-)

 * He caught me :-)

 * Nice forced smile for Mommy :-)

 * These are his "monsters" he made for art class. The theme for art this week is storytelling. He could choose a real or made up character to make.

Friday, April 8, 2011

~ Bluegrass Brothers~

Here is a photo of the boys playing their harmonica's for me :-) 

  And here is the video of their performance....

Not bad eh? :-)


~ Update About Our Blog~

Hello everyone,

I realized recently that those of you that receive our blog updates through email, may  not be able to view video's we post that way. To view the video's you will have to go to our blog website. The link to the blog is in the email. Sorry about that! Just wanted to let you know...some of the updates do have video's of the kids in them.

Hope everyone is well!



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

~ One Busy Boy ~

* Soon , I will be 2. Don't you know that 2 is REALLY really old? I mean, I should be considering my retirement at this point. Sheesh, I have done so much in my brief life already. I mean, look , just the other day...I was helping my Daddy vacuum, then we fixed my vacuum when it broke. After that, I played with my toy whales and showed them off to Mom. My life is so busy!! 

*Well, I will let you guys know how my 2nd year goes...but from the looks of this 1st year I'm  going to  be super busy and having lots of fun, so if you want to hang out we will have to schedule that time in. I mean my 2nd year is filling up already! I'm sure I will have some kind of birthday party soon where I have to entertain family and friends...then I have busy days playing with my big brother, especially now that his school year is almost up! Man, we are gonna have some fun once he is on summer break! I'm  one busy man! :-)


Mr. Isaac

Monday, April 4, 2011

~Logan's School Project~

Logan recently had to research and present a project on the life of John Adams.  He had quite a bit to do with this project! He had to research and write/type a report on John Adams. Then he had to make a poster with pictures, maps, artifacts, and a time line. He had to dress up like Mr. Adams and then present (on an audio file recording or a video) his report. Whew!! I'll say that Cyber School is no easier then regular school. Anyone that thinks doing school at home is easy, probably has not tried it! It's just as hard as regular school -at least his school is! This certainly wasn't easy , but we had some fun with it and we all learned a good bit about John Adams! I feel like he is part of our family now..haha!

Here are some photo's to enjoy of Logan's project process. Oh, and a small note that Logan did well again this marking period and made the Honor Roll. The hard work is paying off :-)

 *Working Hard!
*Sir John Logan Adams!

 *The final project and the hard working creator!
*Lets hope and pray he gets a good grade for this one...he certainly deserves it :-)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

~No Argument For God~

There was a pastor who spoke at our church this past weekend...long story short the message was downright awesome ( main idea : it delt with Faith vs Reason and to basically stop debating and arguing). This pastor, John, has a website and blog devoted to this as well as a book he wrote. This message spoke to me because I sometimes have issues with sharing my faith with others due to the constant bickering and debating that goes on. If you share in this or are interested to see what this is all about check out his blog and website..and join in the conversation! Note : His ideas and message are slowly changing my perspective on all of this .  As he put it "yah, our faith can be crazy and out there...and who cares!" :-)

No Argument For God Blog:

No argument For God website: (with video message from Pastor John)


~Megs and Matt~

~Little Helper~

Isaac enjoys helping us vacuum :-)