Monday, February 28, 2011

~Family Update~

Time has escaped me! I don't know what happened...I  have forgotten to blog about our family since Christmas. 

So, here is an update....

Everyone is doing great! We are healthy and doing very well. We had friends up over New Years and had a nice time with them. It was a busy January just getting back into the swing of work and school after the time off for Christmas. It's already the end of Feb and beginning of March and I don't know where the time has gone. I'm sure everyone feels that way on some level.

Matt's job is going great , no complaints there thank the Lord! His job has been a blessing in many ways and we are thankful.  Matt also recently tried out for our church's worship team (LCBC church) and he made it! We praise God for that..Matt is a very gifted guitarist and loves to worship and serve the Lord in this way.  We are excited!  He works so hard for our family and he loves us so deeply and we are grateful for his sacrifices and hard work..and for his never ending love for each one of us! I have SO enjoyed watching God shape him into the man he is now , the absolutely wonderful husband and father that he is. He is such a caring man and we are so so blessed that he is ours. The moments that bring me the most joy are watching him with our boys. Everything from cuddling with them on the couch while watching a movie,  playing the Wii with Logan,  when we take walks how he and Logan will race up ahead of me and Isaac  to the playground and play for hours together, or the way he snuggles with them both at night before bed and fills them up with kisses till they are screaming in joy :-) Or the  moments he rocks Isaac to sleep for me, or whispers in Logan's ear how much he loves him. When he surprises all of us with finding a new fun spot to play or hike...or the short text messages he sends just wanting to let Logan and I know that he is thinking of us and misses us. So many ways that he shows us how much we mean to him. It's these precious moments that maybe not everyone gets to see, but are so very special to us.  So many times I hear friends complain about how hard their husbands work or how often they are away at work.  I have a different perspective on that. While we do miss him so much and want him home, I know that he would want nothing more then to be home more often with our family. I also know, that he is the only one working and bringing in money so that we can have a nice home and food and all the comforts of life.  His working is a sacrifice to me and it shows me how much he loves us.  We always make up for the missed time and he makes sure to give each one of us the time we need with him. I thank him for his sacrifice and hard work because what drives him is his love for us. He wants to provide the best for the boys and I and that is love to me!

Logan is doing really well in his Cyber school ! We are so proud of his hard work and long hours. They are paying off. He has made Distinguished Honor roll twice and he is hoping for  the same this third marking period. We  are already half way through the third, soon on to the fourth marking period! I will  say, this marking period has probably been the toughest on us yet and we are  now preparing for his first PSSA's this month (March). He is a bit nervous about it since it's his first time.  I think both Logan and I are ready for  spring/summer and for  school to be over! It has been a great year and we certainly have learned A LOT.  We have loved this experience no matter how hard but we are ready for a break!! :-) It is a bit slow going making new friends (for all of us) so we are looking forward to the warm weather so that we can get out more and hopefully start to make some new and lasting friendships! Logan has a few friends around here but his best friends are still back in Dillsburg (which he gets to have out here for a sleepover this weekend!).  We are planning to get together as the warm weather arrives with some friends from church that have a boy his age and younger kids as well. We are always keeping our eyes and ears out for an opportunity to get Logan involved in something around here. We know the time will come and that making friendships takes a while.  Having his best friends out here this weekend is really going to be exciting for him  :-)

Isaac is doing great and is living the life of an almost 2 year old :-) It's hard to believe we will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in a few months. He is very healthy and both boys have made it through the winter season with no major illnesses-thank God! He absolutely LOVES his big brother and most of the time that is a great thing..only  not so good when Logan is trying to focus on school :-) That will pass in time! He was not a fan of  the nursery at church for a while but he is finally ok with it and has made it through a few services now ...he is learning to play with other friends and be ok with Mom, Dad and brother leaving for an hour! Whoohoo!!Logan likes his church service as well and is slowly making friends there. :) He gets to slide down a slide into cool!!  

And as for Mom, I am healthy and well and just enjoying my every day life with the boys and Matt. I just thank God that we are all doing well right now and just trying to balance the Mom and "Teacher" situation! It's been a rocky year trying to get that right...but I know I have learned and grown a lot and I think next year will be smoother as we will be used to this Home/Cyber school adventure! I have no's all about learning and growing together as a family. Matt and I are doing so great :-) We have started a life group together (small group/bible study group) through our church and are starting to form great friendships there. We are happy about making friends in this way. We also have found a local babysitter!! Can't tell you how much we are pumped about this! Now we can  go to life group and have the kids stay home with her....AND we can go on more dates we hope!!  

Our families are facing some  tough times but we are trusting God with them and for them through it all. The road is really tough at times, but we believe that He works all things together for good for those that love Him. He can take the most tragic thing and turn it into something beautiful. It's in His hands and He knows the timing and what is best. It isn't easy to go through at the time so please keep our families in you prayers! 
My Mom and her husband need for him to get a job desperately! There are other issues as well but, that is not the purpose of this blog update :-)

God is growing us as a family so much. He is teaching us more about Him and what a deeper intimate walk with Him looks like for us. Matt and I are growing closer in this way as well and I am so thankful for it. There is no bond quite like the bond that comes when you are one in Christ. Logan recently accepted Jesus into his  heart also! A few months ago we talked about it and he made the choice on his own..that he wanted to follow Jesus and that he believes in  and loves God. I have never felt as proud or happy or excited about anything then that moment alone.   No achievements or awards or honors in school or sports or anything will make me more proud or happy then this choice from Logan. This is the most important choice of his life! While his road is just beginning I am already seeing God working in his sweet little heart. He has always been just a very caring loving young man. But now, I am seeing God develop His heart in Logan!  So many different situations have come up at church and else where , where Logan has shown such great compassion for those "less", those lonely, or made fun of or what ever it may be, they stand out to Logan and he cares very much about them. That is amazing and I thank God and continue  praying for Him to keep developing His heart in Logan!  He also loves and looks forward to reading the bible with us in the evening now. He always liked it..but if we cannot fit it in for some reason he doesn't like that. It's a special time and he looks forward to hearing about God and Jesus and the stories.    He used to be nervous to pray and  now he is confident in praying many little things,  those are just a few of the ways I am seeing God grow and develop Logan since he made his choice to follow Him. It's not a perfect journey at all. In fact, God tells us that we will have trials of many kinds and life will not always  be  comfortable and perfect.  And just because we are Christians that does not make us "perfect". We will have ups and downs, times that are easy to follow and obey and times that are hard. We love that we can help Logan and eventually Isaac on this journey, just by being honest about the ups and downs of life, and what has helped us and that it comes down to laying down your life for God. Making Him your first love, and picking up your cross to follow is not always an easy thing to do and requires faith and trust and obedience. But, God will see your faith and bless you for it.  At times, it requires shutting out the "noise" of the world and its opinions and trusting in the voice of God. Trusting in His ways and promises.  We aren't perfect but we trust God to lead us, to help us, to be our strength, and to never ever ever leave us. We trust Him  to grow each one of us on this journey as we keep laying down our lives for Him. This life is not about's about Him. And to have our boys understand this perhaps the MOST rewarding gift we could ever recieve. It blesses my heart as Logan's Mom to know he loves God so much. More then anything they may do in life, my desire is for both of my boys to have God as their first love and have an intimate  relationship with Him. And no matter what happens...I thank God I am their  Mom and He has given me this great and amazing honor to guide them not only in the every day life and  all that comes with it...but also to guide them in their walk with the Lord. It requires me to loosen my grip and control a bit. I have realized for God to grow and teach Logan I have to get out of the way sometimes!haha :-)

Well, that ended up being longer then I planned! But, that is what has been going on with us since Christmas.

I will update again and hopefully post some new pics of the boys. 

Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this!


Meghan and Matt 
Boys too!